Somfy Sonesse ST30 SDN RS485 Rollup Motor Torque 2Nm 25 RPM Replacement for 1000658 Sonesse range is putting window coverings in motion with quiet precision.The...
Somfy Sonesse ST30 RTS 24V DC Motor Torque 17.7" Ibs. 2Nm 25 rpm The motor replaces part # 1001524 - The Price is the Same...
1003310 Somfy Sonesse ULTRA 30 WireFree12v Rechargeable Li-ion RTS Motor Adjustable Speed 10-28 rpm, Torque 17.6" lbs. 2Nm, Remote Control limit setting, Crown and Drive may...
Rechargeable Lithium-ion Battery Pack (for External Battery WireFree Motors) 9021217 The new Li-ion Rechargeable Battery Pack is designed for use with any Somfy wirefree external...
Somfy Ethernet Adapter - #1870470This Ethernet Adapter allows the consumer to connect the Tahoma directly to the router.With the new TaHoma® application, Somfy places real,...
Somfy TaHoma®RTS Zigbee Smartphone & Tabley Interface - #1811731With the new TaHoma® application, Somfy places real, condensed, technological control into your hands. TaHoma®RTS Zigbee simplifes...
This motor has been replaced by Somfy 1003310 Click Here Somfy Sonesse 30 RTS 12v Motor Torque 17.6" lbs. 2Nm Speed 10-28 rpmCrown and Drive...
Somfy Sonesse 30 RS485 Rollup Motor This product is discontinued. Please click here for the replacement
Somfy Sonesse 30 RTS Motor The Replacement is 1241142 Click here - The Price is the Same - But it requires a new Crown &...
The Somfy Sonesse Ultra 30 WireFree Zigbee (Li-Ion) 1241752 increases motorized shading opportunities with Somfy’s 2Nm ultra-strong wirefree motor for interior shades. Its ultra-quiet and ultra-reliable...